On the usage of triangular preconditioner updates in matrix-free environment. Efficient solution of sequences of linear systems is a task arising in numerous applications in engineering and scientific computing. Depending on the linear solver and the properties of the system matrices, several techniques to share part of the computational effort throughout the sequence may be used. Our contribution considers a new black-box approximate update scheme for factorized preconditioners that was recently introduced by the authors. It is designed for general nonsymmetric linear systems solved by arbitrary iterative solvers and the basic idea is to combine an incomplete reference factorization with a Gauss-Seidel type of approximation of the difference between the current and the reference matrix. The updated factorizations may be particularly beneficial when preconditioner computations from scratch are expensive, like in matrix-free environment where the matrix has to be estimated first. In this talk we give a brief description of the basis update technique and then discuss their usage in matrix-free environment. We present, among others, a new implementation strategy which is based on mixed matrix-free/explicit triangular solves.