International Workshop on Algebraic Logic in Computer Science

Took place on December 14th, 2013, as part of the

The 19th International Conference on Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning
December 14-19, 2013 Stellenbosch, South Africa

Algebraic logic, as the branch of mathematical logic that studies logical systems by giving them a semantics based on some algebraic structures, has been proposed as a unifying approach to deal with the populated landscape of non-classical logics and has developed a variety of techniques which have been fruitfully applied to many families of logics. In particular, algebraic logic has consolidated as a useful approach to many non-classical logics that are introduced as (or have become) systems of reasoning able to cope with a variety of problems arising in computer science and its applications.


Program Committee and Organizers:

·        Clint van Alten, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg

·        Petr Cintula, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

·        Carles Noguera, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic


Pictures of the workshop (by PC)



08.30 – 09.00

James Raftery (slides)

On the algebraization of non-finitary logics


09.00 – 09.30


Ramon Jansana (slides)

On deductive systems associated with equationally orderable quasivarieties


09.30 – 10.00

Coffee break


10.00 – 10.30


Petr Cintula, Rostislav Horčík, Carles Noguera   (slides)

The quest for the basic fuzzy logic


10.30 – 11.00


Esko Turunen (slides)

Complete MV-algebra valued Pavelka logic


11.00 – 11.30


Sándor Jenei (slides)

Co-rotation, co-rotation-annihilation, and involutive ordinal sum constructions of residuated semigroups


11.30 – 12.00


Ivo Duntsch, Ewa Orlowska, Clint Van Alten (slides)

Discrete dualities for n-potent MTL and BL-algebras


12.00 – 14.00




14.00 – 14.30


Tomasz Kowalski (slides)

Representations for Ramsey relation algebras


14.30 – 15.00


Vincenzo Marra, Luca Spada (slides)

An isomorphism criterion for colimits of sequences of finitely presented objects


15.00 – 15.30


Petr Cintula, Carles Noguera (slides)

A completeness theorem for two-layer modal logics


15.30 – 16.00

Coffee break


16.00 – 16.30


Willem Conradie, Andrew Craig (slides)

Algorithmic-algebraic canonicity for mu-calculi


16.30 – 17.00


Christoph Benzmüller (slides)

Cut-free calculi for challenge logics in a lazy way




You can also consult the program on the official pages of LPAR