@article{Horcik01102011, author = {Rostislav Hor{\v{c}}{\'{\i}}k}, title = {On the Structure of Finite Integral Commutative Residuated Chains}, volume = {21}, number = {5}, pages = {717--728}, year = {2011}, doi = {10.1093/logcom/exp059}, abstract ={Among the class of finite integral commutative residuated chains (ICRCs), we identify those algebras which can be obtained as a nuclear retraction of a conuclear contraction of a totally ordered Abelian ℓ-group. We call the ICRCs satisfying this condition regular. Then we discuss the structure of finite regular ICRCs. Finally, we prove that the class of regular members generate a strictly smaller variety than the variety generated by ICRCs.}, URL = {http://logcom.oxfordjournals.org/content/21/5/717.abstract}, eprint = {http://logcom.oxfordjournals.org/content/21/5/717.full.pdf+html}, journal = {Journal of Logic and Computation} }